Grace City Messages

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Hundreds of thousands of Americans who once identified as Christian and attended church regularly have stopped doing both in the past several years. The term used to describe this process is DECONSTRUCTION, and the rate is increasing. Some think it's a new phenomenon, but the Bible tells a different story. John 6 describes followers of Jesus who decided to stop following him. Paul's letters to Timothy address his concern for the people in Ephesus who would walk away from Christian doctrine and start to believe other, different things

with God

In this message, we take a closer look at Matthew 6:5-8 and Jesus's prayer in the "deserted place" in Mark 1. The instructions of Jesus about praying in secret, eliminating distractions and having the right motives can help each of us as we look to experience the blessing of walking in relationship with the Creator of the world. What is your time and place to connect with God in honest conversation?

21 Days of Prayer

Truth & Love. Balance? Both!

In a culture that says we must choose between being loving and being truthful or find a balance between the two, is there a third way? What does John's second letter have to say about the relationship between these two concepts? In this message, part one of a two-week series, we dig into 2 John 1:1-6, and discover that TRUTH and LOVE were never intended to be at odds. In fact, the Bible teaches us that they're inseparable. Jesus is the embodiment both truth and love, and following His example, we can find a third way to live, walking in truth AND love.

Family Dynamics

God's design for both the family and the local church is that BOTH would be communities in which people can come to know and love, Jesus, the Savior of the world. In this final message of the series, Nathan takes a closer look at the Great Commission and what we learn about being a disciple and making disciples in Matthew 4

Calm IN Chaos

Have you struggled to make sense of or keep the peace in times of chaos? Maybe your life feels chaotic right now. In this message, Kincaid Ryan explores the three different sources of chaos in our lives and how focusing on God can help us navigate the tumultuous seasons of life no matter where the chaos is coming from. We hope you're encouraged by this teaching!

Go Forth

A closer look at Matthew 28:16-20 followed by a great conversation with our two student ministers, Macy Rider and Kincaid Ryan. We hope this message encourages you wherever you are and may be going!

This Is Hard!

Learning to embrace change because staying the same isn’t an option.

The Comeback
Easter Series

In this 3-part series, we look at one of the secondary stories from Holy Week, the interactions of Peter and Jesus.

When People
Meet Jesus

Scattered: A
Series in Acts

The story of the early church and first generation of Christians empowered by the Holy Spirit includes some real bouts with persecution and challenge. This story from Acts 12 reminds us that in the midst of facing persecution and difficulty, prayer is always our best first option. As Peter and the church in Jerusalem find out, there's nothing quite like appealing to an all-knowing, all-powerful God for help in our time of need.

New Year’s Day Service

Christmas at Grace

Some have described our current time as an age of darkness. Almost no one is immune from the pains of economic turmoil, political fights, relational heartache and struggles with mental health. If it's not you, it's someone you know and love. Others wonder what it will take to get through this difficult time and struggle to envision a better future. That's where HOPE comes in.


Life is crazy and complicated. And if you're anything like the typical person, you often find yourself running out of time, energy and money. It seems to make sense that just a little more of each of these things would make life easier. It might even make you happier. But what if I told you that the key to a more abundant and enjoyable life has less to do with the amount of stuff you receive or possess and much more to do with how much of those things you're giving away? Don't believe us? That's actually how life is supposed to work.

Rethinking Fear

Life is scary. Fear often overwhelms our decisions and clouds our minds, but it is not the ultimate ruler of our lives. We can find courage when we hear what God says about fear and how some of the most heroic characters of faith in the Bible faced scary circumstances.

Your Life Matters

Have you ever struggled to believe that your life matters? Maybe you’ve been treated poorly by someone else or dismissed because of your gender or the color of your skin. Let’s face it, as a society we just aren’t very good at treating one another with respect and dignity. The problem is that if you’re told a lie long enough, you might start to believe it. This four-week series studies what the Bible has to say about the infinite, eternal value of all humans and the battle being fought for our identities.


Jonah Series

How massive is the Lord’s mercy? How far does it reach? Who is he seeking? And where will it take Him and us? Check out this series to get answers to these questions and more.

Why Church?

Why church? It's a question lots of people are asking. Maybe even you. Does the Christian church still have a place in an ever-changing world? Should it still have a place in your life?

This series addresses these questions through looking at four key areas that the Bible says churches should focus on. This message is Part 4 in the series, and is all about PURPOSE. If the Bible is true, then the church has a unique responsibility to teach and remind people that there is a reason for their existence -- that their life matters. We see that God has a special and sacred purpose for every life, and we find meaning when we find our place in the greatest story ever told.