Our Vision and Mission

  • The church is not a place; the church is a people -a people who have been transformed by the grace and love of Jesus.

    At Grace City we want to be a people who are known for sharing the incredible love and forgiveness from Jesus that we've experienced.

    That is why our vision is to create a church where people experience the love of Jesus and join in his redeeming work.

  • Grace City started in 2010 with a desire to see people exchange the pursuit of religion for a relationship with Christ, to see people who have had bad experiences with the church get to know the church in a new light, and to equip believers to live out their faith.

    We're in the buckle of the bible belt, and with so many people settling for "cultural Christianity," we knew we had an amazing opportunity to engage our community with the life that we've been given in Jesus.

    That's why our mission is the help people discover life in Christ: by grace, in community, and with purpose.

What this means for you.

So where do you fit into this? We'd love for you to join in with us to see our community, our city, and our world impacted through the love of Christ. There's a place for you here! If you have any questions, we'd be glad to hear from you.